Calibre 2.23 released

Calibre 2.23 released

Softpedia reports that the Calibre eBook reader, editor and library management package has been updated to version 2.23.

The full list of changes since the last release can be seen in the changelog.

screenshot of Calibre

One of the major changes is the updating of the Qt cross-platform application framework bundled with Calibre to 5.4.1. This fixes various minor bugs, most notably improving text rendering on machines running Linux.

Furthermore, the new release of Calibre now allows users to add an empty ebook in various formats to existing book records. What is more, the ability to create additional empty formats to the ‘Add empty book’ command has been implemented.

Calibre 2.23 is available for download for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

If you’re on a Linux machine like me, your easiest way to update Calibre to the latest version is via the command line by running the following command as root:

wget -nv -O- | sudo python -c "import sys; main=lambda:sys.stderr.write('Download failed\n'); exec(; main()"

This sets the process in motion and you’ll have the new Calibre installed in no time.

downloading and updating Calibre via command line

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.