Freeze for Debian 8

Freeze for Debian 8

Debian logoDebian 8, codenamed Jessie, will be the next stable release of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system.

The Debian release team has frozen the current software status of Jessie, German IT news site heise reports. From now on the developers will only include important bug fixes in the distribution.

Jonathan Wiltshire of Debian’s release team has announced that the current software status of Debian Jessie (version 8 of the operating system) has been frozen according to plan. The only changes that are now possible are only bug fixes for critical errors and major bug fixes for program packages that do not form the core of the Debian distribution.

At present the developers have counted over 300 release-critical bugs for Jessie, but there is still no definite deadline for the release of Jessie as Debian’s next stable release, although this will probably be in the next few months.

Your correspondent has been using Debian Jessie on his laptop for over one year now and it’s been very stable and reliable, even though it was still in the testing phase and not really intended for use in a production environment.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.