Capita now using criminals as court interpreters

Capita now using criminals as court interpreters

image of scales of justiceThe rolling disaster that is the Ministry of Justice’s Framework Agreement for court interpreting is a story that just seems to keep on giving, especially in terms of bad news.

On Friday the Northampton Chronicle carried a report from Northampton Crown Court where the judge branded Capita Translating and Interpreting as “hopelessly incompetent” (posts passim.

Included in the piece is the following sentence:

Mirela Watson, an Essex-based Romanian interpreter, said other issues nationally have included a trial collapsing because an under-qualified interpreter failed to interpret properly, and another where a crown court judge recognised an interpreter as a convicted prostitute.

One is tempted to ask how did the judge know. 😉

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.

3 thoughts on “Capita now using criminals as court interpreters

  1. Pingback: Steve Woods | Capita now using criminals as court interpreters | Legal interpreting |

    1. Steve Woods Post author

      The cove in the pastel dressing gown and long horsehair wig was Judge Richard Bray.

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