Medical reasons or patriotism?

Medical reasons or patriotism?

Ever since the organs of the fourth estate starting getting rid of sub-editors to save costs and boost profits, bad journalism seems to be becoming the norm rather than the exception, as anyone who reads the press with a critical eye will quickly discover.

The European Football Championships currently taking place in Germany are already proving to be a rich source of inaccuracy (posts passim) and flights of hyperbole with no foundation.

Today’s Guardian provides a fine example today of the latter, as evidenced by the screenshot below.

Headline - Mbappé to wear mask for France after breaking nose?

For France, Grauniad; for the glory of the Republic? The prominence of for France suggests to your correspondent that the main reason for Killian having to wear a mask was patriotism, at least in the mind of the headline writer.

The BBC reports that the French Football Federation said a mask will be made for their captain, and quotes a spokesperson as saying, “He will undergo treatment in the coming days, without undergoing surgery immediately.” So there is no hint that the mask will be worn for reasons of patriotism, but every suggestion that medical and prophylactic motives are involved.

Update 21/06/2024: MbappĂ© now has the above-mentioned mask and it’s not only custom-made but a patriotic one too in the colours of the French tricolour.

Author: Steve Woods

Generic carbon-based humanoid life form.

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