Stapleton Road waste trial
On Wednesday, Bristol Waste held a drop-in session at the Newton Hall for residents to get some (more) feedback on trial removal of communal waste bins along the Stapleton Road corridor.
Projected onto a wall was a presentation giving some facts, figures and information about the trial removal of the area’s 164 communal bins and their replacement with regular wheelie bins and bag collections (for those with no off-street storage space. Ed.).
Since the start of the trial at the end of October/beginning of November, it seems the trial has had a drastic effect, as the following figures reveal.
- Recyling: up 16.7%
- Refuse: down by 40.9%
- Street cleansing requirement: down by 35.8%
In addition, fly-tipping enforcement in the area has been increased, with 62 notices served on individuals on how to present waste and 16 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) served on individuals. Moreover, there are currently 35 active investigations into fly-tipping from domestic properties, whilst 8 local businesses have been served FPNs and another 8 are being investigated.
The most encouraging news came at the end of the presentation, as follows:
Due to the success of the scheme in terms of reduced waste, bulky fly-tipping and increased recycling levels we are proposing that we will continue the trial until March in order to gather more data and feedback.
In March, we anticipate recommending to the Neighbourhood Partnership that the service changes we have introduced remain in place for the area.
So it looks like scenes like the one below, taken in April 2016, will finally be a thing of the past along the Stapleton Road corridor.